Art is like a box of popcorn (so enjoy the process).

This Arts For Health post Iooks at artistic process and ask two questions that might like to answer for yourself. Imagine that a new film is released. You watch the trailer and it looks impressive. You decide to go and see it. To book cinema tickets online, you enter a password (four times) to convince…… Continue reading Art is like a box of popcorn (so enjoy the process).

What Degas said was not wrong, but it was not entirely true either (my pre-Samhain update).

Degas, one of my favourite painters from the era of the first impressionists, said that we all have talent at the age of twenty five. He added that “the difficulty is to have it still at fifty”. Hmmmm…nílim cinnte. * He had a point, and for women artists, extra obstacles have always existed. We can’t…… Continue reading What Degas said was not wrong, but it was not entirely true either (my pre-Samhain update).