Kind words

Science communication writing facilitation feedback about Kathryn Crowley's services.  Text is surrounded by a yellow outline.
Feedback about being in the present moment. Kathryn Crowly mindfulness meditation classes.


“I completed a creative writing course with Kathryn, and highly recommend a course with her. She gently encourages participants and is there to offer support and guidance if needed.

-Yvonne Brewer.


She opened my eyes to the joys of writing which I had forgotten, as well as the expansive nature of the beast and the discipline needed to produce something.  I was very sorry that the course ended — too quickly! — but Kathryn has been there for me and my fellow “amateur writers”, encouraging our every effort, critiquing where necessary and encouraging us all the while. The love of writing and enthusiasm she helped to foster in us has meant that we still meet regularly.  We would not have gone so far — or had this spark lit — without the enthusiasm, discipline, advice and encouragement of our wonderful mentor, Kathryn.

Linda Reale-Horvat.

A testimonial from Galway arts office that says Kathryn Crowley is "a diligent arts worker".

-Lorraine Mc Namara, manager, Brothers of Charity.