Hormonal health in perimenopause (and how yoga helps).

All bodies have hormones, and when it comes to estrogen, women create more of it. Those estrogen levels fluctuate a lot during perimenopause, as do our other hormones. What does estrogen do? There are different kinds of estrogen. Estradiol is the one that we have a lot of in our reproductive years. It is produced…… Continue reading Hormonal health in perimenopause (and how yoga helps).

Fibromyalgia is similar to arthritis.

Fibromyalgia is similar to arthritis in ways. Here are some myth V fact quotes that were shared on the Arthritis Ireland website: Myth: Being active won’t help my arthritis.   Fact: Regular (daily) physical activity is considered a key component in the management of arthritis.   Myth: I just have to put up with it.   Fact: Making informed decisions about your lifestyle and treatment options will contribute to…… Continue reading Fibromyalgia is similar to arthritis.