
I am holding a notebook , reading at an open mic night. I shared my poetry.

My writing touches on many subjects; love, grief, mental health, war, peace, heartache, illness, healing, capitalism gone mad, and nature’s beauty.

I’ve had poems and other writing published by Vox Galvia, Feral, Lothlorien Poetry journal, Pendemic.ie, Stanzas, Limerick anthology, TheJournal.ie, The Visual Artists of Ireland, Not the Time to be Silent, An Focal, The Irish Independent, Echoes, Writing.ie, the Youth Council of Ireland, Cooking Potato Stories project with Ana Nunez Rodriguez, and others.

A heart shaped candle holder with a light in it.

Today I am more interested in sharing poetry vocally than in print, and I do so at events in person and online.

When working as a facilitator I have designed courses and workshops with an inclusive ethos. I have led events in Limerick’s Hunt Museum, Galway city museum, Limerick Writers Centre, other venues, and online. I have also edited five community writing projects and designed covers.

  • People sitting at a table during a creative writing workshop with Kathryn Crowley in Ireland.
  • Testimonial from a client about Kathryn Crowley's writing workshops online.
  • testimonials about creative writing and poetry workshops with Kathryn Crowley, Limerick, Ireland.
  • Positive feedback from a person who took a creative writing course with Kathryn Crowley.
  • A group of poets who were part of a project. Text reads "A two month project, curated by Kathryn Crowley, that culminated in an exhibition of art and poems, plus a reading of poetry in Listowel. Participants; Kay Liston, Marcella Griffin, Matt Mooney, Madge O'Callaghan, and members of the Shannon Amherst writing group."
  • Poaitive feedback about creative writing courses in Ireland by Kathryn Crowley.
  • I am standing in a library holding a community writing project edited by Kathryn Crowley Kerry Ireland
  • Poaitive feedback about creative writing courses in Ireland by Kathryn Crowley.


Work with me

Get in touch to request support. I work one-to-one and with groups.
