Open call for prose, poetry, and visual art.

A woman in a long dress. Black and white vintage photo. Open call for poetry and art related to hidden disability by Kathryn Crowley Kerry Ireland

‘You look fine!’ will share writing and art in an online magazine format.

New or existing work is welcome.

Read all about the project below, or click here to listen to audio information:


Have you ever been unwell, in the throes of grief, yet looked ok on the outside? Maybe you live with a hidden disability.

If you’ve ever had someone declare “But you look fine!”, it may have felt judgemental. Who knows if people mean to be dismissive: maybe they just can’t relate to something unless they have lived through a very similar experience.

A pile of books, a forest of trees, and someone reading a book on a screen. Sustainability of e books V paper books infographic by Kathryn Crowley Ireland

Open call for art and writing

You can decide how to respond to the prompt ‘You look fine’.

Work generated by A.I. is not welcome. Anything else goes. You can share new work or existing creations.

About me

My work in the arts spans 25 years. I was unwell with chronic pain and fibromyalgia for a decade, but during most of that time I looked fine on the outside.

I am an artist and yoga teacher, not a therapist. My heart goes out to people who are in pain, but I can’t offer specific advice. Please do not send me personal details about your health. My role here is to edit an arts magazine.

A tree and faces on top of a pen. Purple and yellow graphic design by Kathryn Crowley.

Dates for your diary

Send in your writing or art by 5:00pm Irish time July 5th 2024.

Please pay particular attention to the dates and instructions below ↓

A woman in a long dress. Black and white vintage photo. Open call for poetry and art related to hidden disability by Kathryn Crowley Kerry Ireland
  1. Pay €5 per entry. You can enter two times maximum. There are no refunds.
  2. Send writing in the main body of an email or in a Word document. Send art as one JPEG, under 2mb. Do not send bios, CVs, or statements.

Visual artists, please include the medium used, for example ‘oil on canvas’.


You do not need to have a Revolt account to use this link:

When you send your work by email please tell me what contact details you’d like to share in the magazine, if any.

Pick one:

  • a website link
  • OR one social media link
  • OR your email address.

I look forward to seeing your art and writing soon.

Best wishes,
